not bad
For your first flash im pretty impressed. Keep it up, im sure youll be a pro in no time!
not bad
For your first flash im pretty impressed. Keep it up, im sure youll be a pro in no time!
Michael Moore can lick my ass. Thank you Reggie, for letting people know that Michael Moore is a bastard, and a fucking dick head. Love the flash, Hate the asshole, Michael Moore... go to hell... or africa... just leave the fucking states you POS!
I heart these
I love this series. Keep up the great work!
Not bad
I liked it, and i think you did a very nice job for your second film. Congrats, please continue flashing.
Don't worry, I'll keep flashing. Expect a next one soon.
Very wise information coming from a... lock? all well, locks own. Thanks for the info and illcbe sure to use the advice when i start submitting. Your flash has shed some light into my confused, flash-noobie soul. Thank you for that.
no problemo
i liked it
I liked it dude! Speacilly for a sprite movie. I liked it, yo, keep em coming. I wanna see Bass and Knuckles. hehehehehe....
Nice work
Very cool, i liked that a lot. Good work, yo, good work.
I have a long way to go...
Joined on 8/6/04